Restoration of the little temple

The history

The riding track of the Carditello Royal Site was once used for horse racing and represents one of the largest racecourses inscribed in the perimeter of a royal residence.

In the middle of the parterre there is a beautiful view of a little circular temple with a staircase base with eight Doric columns that support a dome decorated with floral patterns.

The riding track was used for the celebrations, among the most important we remember “the Ascension“.

During celebrations and ceremonies, in the center of the garden were placed food stands with dairy products (mozzarella, ricotta, caciocavalli) made in the laboratories and kitchens of the palace.

Musicians and bands from Naples cheered the days of celebration and the king attended the exhibition sitting right in the center of the little temple.

After years of neglect and raiding, the Carditello Royal Site returns to a new splendor thanks to the acquisition by the MIBAC in 2016 and the management of the Carditello Royal Site Foundation currently in force.

What has been done and what is still to be recovered

The current restoration works

To date, the current restorations include the arrangement of the frescoes of the halls of the central building and the renovation of the stables and of the octagonal and square towers.

An important objective, already achieved, concerns the commissioning of the sundials, the arrangement of the external wooded areas and the reclamation of the surrounding territory with the export of 700 tons of asbestos.

Bring back Carditello to the ancient pomp


Still there is much to do to bring Carditello back to the splendor that belongs to it…
That’s why we’re asking for your help.

Help make this dream come true together!
Join us in the rebirth of an unprecedented historical place.

Donate a contribution (also 5 x1000) of your choice, to support the expenses of the restoration of the little temple.
Thank you!
